Facilities to help you Succeed & grow your career
State of the art dental facilities for optimal dental education.The Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene Inc. provides a learning centered environment which enables individuals to develop personal and professional success through high standards of current comprehensive dental education. These standards provide knowledge and skills that reflect current practices and promote ongoing education and research.

Point of Contact
VCDH has Admissions Coordinators dedicated to assisting applicants with their application to the college and arrival to Canada. These coordinators can assist applicants with information on admission requirements, equivalency assessments, study permits, housing and living resources.
The Senior Educational Administrator will be the point of contact for all International Students during the program. This individual is happy to assist International Students with their transition to Life in Canada including resources in the community such as housing, food and health services. This individual will also track your grades and attendance to ensure you are progressing successfully through the program.

Health Resources
Mental Health: VCDH offers a Counsellor as a free resource to our students. International students are encourage to utilize this service to seek support with their transition to Canada.
Addictions: Emergency contact numbers are posted throughout the facility and are readily available at Student Services (in the front reception area). This for immediate access if you or someone you know is in a crisis.
BC Alcohol & Drug Information Referral Service
Call 1-800-663-1441 (604-660-9382 in the Lower Mainland) for information about substance use treatments or supports in your area
Our Program