Local Anesthetics Program

Local Anesthetics Program for Dental Hygienists

Local Anesthetics at VCDH

5 weeks in duration with 2 weekends on campus.

Summer Program:
Weekend 1: August 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 2025
Weekend 2: August 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 2025
Fall Program:
Weekend 1: December 19th, 20th, 21st, 2025
Weekend 2: January 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 2026
Additional 2026 Program Dates TBD.

Call Today!

Local: 604-215-7611
Toll Free: 1-800-457-3189

The Local Anesthetics Program at the Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene Inc. is designed for registered dental hygienists who have not been trained in the administration of local anesthetics and who wish to obtain, or who must obtain certification to administer local anaesthesia. This is also an excellent program for dental hygienists who are looking to refresh their skills and knowledge in local anesthetics.

Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene facility

About the Program

The Local Anesthetics Program is offered twice a year. It is 33.5 hours of theory, clinical training and evaluation. There are 12.5 hours of teaching and evaluation in theory, and 21 hours of clinical practice and evaluation. The total cost of the Local Anesthetics Programs is $2,250.00.


The first thing you will need to do is complete and submit an application. Along with this application you will be asked to provide the following documents:
  1. Evidence of English Proficiency Requirement
  2. A copy of your current practicing license
  3. A letter from a licensed dentist indicating that you are able to practice local anesthetic injections under his/her supervision in the weeks between course weekends one and two.
  4. An application fee of $250.00 (bank draft)
  5. Copy of current CPR Basic Life Support (BLS) Certificate
  6. Handbook of Local Anesthesia, 7th Edition, Malamed, Stanley F., Mosby.
  7. It is your responsibility to procure this textbook before the course begins.
  8. Once your application has been processed and you have been provided a seat in the next scheduled program, you will receive a contract. The contract will have important policies and information about the course and will need to be signed and returned to us with the tuition (bank draft) before the course begins. After VCDH has received your signed contract and bank draft, you will be emailed the course outline. It is advisable to read the outline over before you start the course so you know what is expected at each session.
Download Application

Information Package

Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene dental lab

Why Choose VCDH?

Our program provides a 5:1 student to instructor ratio in the clinical portion and all of our instructors have experience teaching local anesthetics. The program is fully approved by the BCCOHP and PTIB and is deemed substantially equivalent by the CRDHA. -->

These approvals are significant to licensed dental hygienists in BC and Alberta, as notification of successful completion of the program at the Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene will be relayed to the BCCOPH and the CRDHA for speedy application to registrants' practicing licenses.

The Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene Inc. was designed and built specifically as a dental hygiene college to benefit students. As a hygiene-focused school, everything from our facility to our curriculum is designed with the modern dental hygienist in mind.

Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene student facilities

teaching methodology

This theoretical and clinical course’s content will develop the student’s understanding of pain and pain control, the physiological action of drugs, the function of pharmacological agents used in the dental office, and the safe and effective delivery of local anesthetics agents. Proper asepsis, optimal client management including the prevention and handling of reactions and medical emergencies associated with the application of local anesthetics agents will be discussed and emphasized.

student testimonial

Toronto College of Dental Hygiene student Testimonial

Thank you all for your guidance and support in the Local Anesthetic certification for Dental Hygienists course. I really appreciated the helpful advice and the supportive atmosphere in particular during clinical sessions. It has been a long time since I have been in a clinical examination situation but you all made it less stressful. This past week I had my first patient requiring local anesthetic (3 blocks) and it went so well thanks to you.

I would not hesitate to recommend Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene to anyone for Local Anesthetic Certification.

Diana Forrest RDH | May 2016 Local Anesthetics Course
Vancouver College of Dental Hygiene dental lab

Register today

To register for the Local Anesthetics Program or for more information, call us today at 604-215-7611 or toll-free at 1-800-457-3189

You can also send us an email us anytime at info@vancouver-college-dental.org

Call now!